Stanley Elmer Palczewski
Date of Birth: August 18, 1926, Haley,
Address: Route 1, Box 18, Scranton, ND
Spouse: Marlene Vigoren, born May 21,
Married: October 4, 1952
James LaVerne Palczewski born February 27,
Stanley Elmer Palczewski, Jr. born January
16, 1954
Nancy Kay Palczewski born January 20, 1955
Mark Jerome Palczewski born January 28, 1956
Ronald Ray Palczewski born May 29, 1958
Joan Darlene Palczewski born November 1, 1960
Cynthia Sue Palczewski born July 27, 1963
Kimberly Jo Palczewski born June 20, 1956
Lisa Ann Palczewski born June 20, 1968
Stanley and Marlene's Wedding 1952 |
Stanley and Marlene's Farm
Original Palczewski Homested |
Ron, Stan Jr., Jim, and Mark |
Nancy, Kim, Cindy, Joan, and Lisa |
Jim, Stan Jr., Nancy, Mark, Ron, Joan, Cindy,
Kim, and Lisa
Summer 2001 |
Stanley and Marlene , 2001 |
Palczewski Memories
I just as well
start with as long as I can remember back when I was very young.
My Dad and Mom told me I was born at a large house just east of
Haley, ND. A lady named Mrs. Weeks delivered me there. My mother
was sick when I was about four years old and my Grandmother took
care of me for awhile.
When I was
about six years old, I fell off a horse when the ground was frozen
hard, landed on my head and was unconscious for awhile. I had a
big lump on my head, was sick for days, laid in bed at home and
have never been the same ever since! When I was about eight years
old, I got sick in January and had pneumonia for about three
weeks, then pleurisy from coughing. Dr. Murry from Scranton came
out a few times to give me medication. My Dad said he couldn’t
afford to put me in the hospital. I remember I had a very high
fever, didn’t really know what was going on, and had weird dreams.
We had no
electricity in those days. We had a pot belly stove that burned
wood and coal and a flat top cook stove in the kitchen with a hot
water reservoir in it to keep hot water.
I went to a
country school in my first four grades about one and one half
miles from home and walked most of the time. Then I went to a
school about four miles from home. We walked and rode horse. My
brother Richard built a two wheel two horse trailer. We used it to
go to school and hunt. The horses were very well trained. When
they saw a rabbit, they would stop so we could shoot it.
I attended
school through 8th grade and then had to stay home to help my Dad.
The other boys went off to work. Martha and I were home. She went
to high school and then to nurses training.
I remember in
the fall season we hauled bundles for threshing rig. We had 5
bundle wagons most of the time. It was a lot of hard work but it
was fun and made some spending money. The war came and Richard and
Carl joined the Navy. I stayed home and helped my Dad and Mother.
We raised cattle, about 6 milk cows, hogs and chickens. So we kind
of lived off of what we produced and always had a large garden.
I belonged to a
boxing club for awhile. That was my sports entertainment. I also
did a lot of hunting and trapping. Richard and I had coyote hounds
and hunted coyotes. We had the hounds in back of a Model A Ford.
We had fun times. It was a lot of bother taking care of the dogs.
We hunted coyotes with saddle horses when the snow was deep. We
shot coyotes with a shot gun from the back of a horse on the run.
It was a great sport. Broke a few saddle horses and had some bad
falls but it was a lot of fun.
I met a nice
girl from Buffalo, SD and made a lot of trips to Buffalo with a
Mercury convertible Pontiac, then an ugly green Dodge car. We fell
in love, got married, and then the kids started coming. All are
nice healthy kids. I thank Marlene for doing a great job bringing
up the kids and also the nice family she came from. I enjoy them
very much.
We went into
the sheep business and ran my Dad’s cattle. The sheep and farming
kept us going. We started building the house in 1955. As the
family got larger, we built on the house. Marlene’s Uncle Lloyd
helped us do carpenter work. I bought the home place from my Dad
in 1964. I bought some land in SD in 1948 which was the first land
that I owned. I bought the Hogley place, 520 acres in 1954.
We got
electricity on our place in 1946, then running water in 1952.
Before that we ran after water with a bucket and pumped it by
My Dad and
Mother left us in the middle 70s. I still miss them. One Sunday I
took my mother to church. On the way she said, “Will you promise
me you will never leave the church?” I said, “I will.” My Dad
often said, “You should always listen to the elder.” I got to
thinking about this (lot of leverage there).
Our family was
involved in 4-H, livestock, gardening, etc. We had the Haley
baseball team made up of our boys and the neighbor boys. We had a
pet fox for a mascot. The girls raised rabbits. Marlene raised
chickens and had a few laying hens for eggs.
We are now in
the cattle business and farming. Along with this I have a small
gravel business and do custom harvesting but will have to give
this up and retire. It bothers me. Some day I hope to write a book
of my happenings. It probably will be at least a 1,000 pages if I
exaggerate a little.
I often think
of the old days when we raised horses for transportation and
farming. Then the tractors came, no power steering, rough riding,
and hard to operate. Now all the modern technology for our
livelihood. What an interesting life span!
God’s blessing to
all who read this and you will
probably need them.
Stan Sr.
May 1997
In 1952 at the
age of 26, Stan married a Norwegian, Marlene Vigoren at Buffalo,
SD. We’ve been married 45 years and raised 9 children, 5 girls and
4 boys. We’re so proud of our crew. They put in 23 years of
college and are using their education.
We have lots of
memories, wedding, anniversary, birthday, and picnics.
In 1992, Stan
officially named the place Tree Top Ranch. We started out with a 3
room bunk house of Richard’s and added on the house as the years
went by. Now it is a 6 bedroom house.
We had every
kind of pet there was but a dog named Fred that Uncle Carl gave
Mark was the greatest. Fred made stories in hunting the guys still
talk about.
Marlene Palczewski
May 1997

James LaVerne Palczewski
Date of Birth:
Jim and Ruth |
Kenzie and Jaime |
Jenna |
Kyle |
Jamie and Jenna |

Stanley Elmer Palczewski, Jr.
Date of Birth: January 16, 1954,
Hettinger, ND
Address: 3810 4th Street South,
Moorhead, MN 56560, 218-236-8232
Spouse: Jill Langlee. Date of Birth:
June 27, 1957.
Married June 25, 1976 in Bowman, ND.
Jesse John Palczewski born September 18, 1979
in Fargo, ND
Lindsay Jo Palczewski born December 7, 1982
in Fargo ND
Family Information:
Jill and I started Budget Auto/Stan’s Auto in
September of 1980. We have worked together all the time. We repair
cars and buy and sell cars.
Graduated from Scranton High School in 1972
Auto Body School in Denver, Colorado 1972-73
Jesse, Jill, Lindsay, and Stan Jr. |
Stan Jr. and Jill |

Nancy Kay (Palczewski) Tow
Date of Birth: January 20, 1955, Hettinger, ND
Address: 404 Clearview Ct., Moorhead, MN 56560
Spouse: Roger Tow, born April 28, 1955 in Moorhead, MN.
Married July 6, 1975
Adam Tow, born September 8, 1975in Moorhead, MN
Cory Tow, born May 2, 1979 in Moorhead, MN
Family Information:
After graduating from Scranton High School,
Nancy moved to Fargo-Moorhead and attended Barber School. Nancy
worked at Golden Shear for 10 years. In 1988 Nancy opened her own
shop, Shear Magic.
Roger has been employed at Beverage
Wholesalers for 26 years.
Roger: Golf, football, Football Fantasy.
Nancy: Gardening, walking, bird watching, rabbits, concerts,
activities with Ava
Roger and Nancy |

Adam Tow
Date of Birth: September 8, 1975, Moorhead, MN.
Parents: Roger and Nancy Tow
Address: 1024 11 St. South, Moorhead, MN
Spouse: Abby, born January 10, 1976
Ava, born November 3, 2000
Family Information:
Adam graduated from Moorhead High in 1997. He attended Fergas
Falls College
Abby graduated from Moorhead High School. She attended Moorhead
State University.
Adam's interests are golf, football, football Fantasy, cards,
baseball, using the computer, and family time with Abby and Ava.
Abby's interests are photography, reading, decorating, and
activities with Ava.
Minneapolis, Mexico
Adam: Dental Lab, Cardinal Window, Beverage Wholesaler.
Abby: Wedding Planner at White House in Kragness, MN
Adam, Abby, and Ava |
Ava |

Cory Tow
Date of Birth: May 2, 1979 in Moorhead MN
Address: 215 7th Ave. South, Moorhead MN
Parents: Roger and Nancy Tow
Graduated from Moorhead High School in 1997
Attended Moorhead State University
Worked at Beverage Wholesaler. Currently at Coca Cola Co. in
Moorhead, MN
Baseball, Football, Football Fantasy, videogames, golf, bowling

Cory |

Mark Jerome Palczewski
Date of Birth: January 28, 1956 in
Bowman, ND
Address: 507 Division, Hardin, MT
Krystal Ann Palczewski born September 2, 1986
in Hettinger, ND
Dillon Mark Palczewski born March 19, 1988 in
Hettinger, ND
Brittney Dawn Palczewski born April 7, 1990
in Hettinger, ND
Attended Denver Automotive and Diesel College
in Denver, CO

Ronald Roy Palczewski
Date of Birth: May 29, 1958, Bowman,
Address: P.O. Box 658, Bowman, ND
Spouse: Sheila Sime born August 6,
1967 in Minot, ND. Married June 8, 1990
Kayla Beth Palczewski born August 9, 1993 in
Hettinger, ND
Karly Rae born February 1, 1997 in Hettinger,
Family Information:
Ron’s parents are Stan and Marlene
Palczewski. Ron has 3 brothers and 5 sisters. Ron’s Grandmother is
Mildred Vigoren from Buffalo, SD.
Sheila’s parents are Ken and Eleanor Sime
of Bowman, ND. Sheila has 5 brothers and 3 sisters.
Scranton High School 1976
UND-Williston (Associate Arts) 1976-78
UND-Grand Forks (B.S.B.A.) 1978-80
Graduate School Banking, Boulder, CO 1991-94
(summer school)

Joan Darlene (Palczewski) Wrolstad
Date of Birth: November 1, 1960,
Dickinson, ND
Address: 242 17th Ave NE, Jamestown ND
58401, e-mail wrolstad@acc.jc.edu
Spouse: David Charles Wrolstad, born
March 7, 1959 in Moorhead, MN. Married December 14, 1985
Matthew David Wrolstad born September 29,
1989 in Jamestown, ND
Aaron Mark Wrolstad born May 21, 1992 in
Jamestown, ND
Family Information:
We live in a great neighborhood, one block
from Matt’s elementary school and within one half mile of the YMCA
and college sports center. We are a very healthy family and keep
active. We have no pets. We are active in the church and Matt’s
elementary school!
Joan graduated from Scranton High School in 1979. Graduated
from North Dakota State University in 1985 with a BS degree in
Hotel Motel Restaurant Management. David graduated from Fargo
North High School in 1977. Graduated from Moorhead State
University in 1981 with a BS degree in Management. Joan continued
education with a few computer courses at Jamestown College.
Family Information:
Matt will be an eighth grader in the fall. AAron will be a sixth
grader in the fall. Joan is a daughter of Stanley and Marlene
Palczewski. Joan has four brothers and four sisters. David is a
son of Phyllis Wrolstad, Fargo, ND. David has two brothers.
Places Lived and Careers:
David and Joan married in December 1985 and lived in Fargo until
spring of 1987. Moved to Jamestown ND where David was named
branch manager of Gate City Bank. Both children were born in
Jamestown. Joan worked at Jamestown College for 11 years. A
career move was made in March of 1999. Moved back to Fargo. David
was named Vice President Fargo Branch Manager. David has been
with Gate City for 17 years. Joan has had to find another career,
the fourth. Worked at PRACS Institute for 2 ½ years. Currently
working at Community First Bank in the Trust Department.
Interests, Social, & Civic:
Joan is active in Zonta International and is the current
President. David is a member of Rotary International as has
served as a President. David is a board member of Fargo Flyers
Hockey Association and a board member of Fargo Youth Hockey
Organization. Joan is busy with creating fun things for work and
the boy’s sport teams. Joan loves to tend to the summer flower
Travel and Vacations:
No major vacations lately. Plan to travel to Leadville CO in
August. David will be entering the Leadville 100 Mile Trail Run.
Hope to spend time sightseeing and visiting with friends and
family while there. We had the greatest vacation in 1987 in
Cozumel, Mexico; scuba diving was the highlight. Also had
vacations in Bayfield WI, Mazatlan, Las Vegas and Hawaii. All fun
and relaxing. Hope to take the boys to Mexico in spring of 2004.
Family Memories:
It was just a blast growing up on the farm in SW North Dakota with
nine kids in the family and a billion cousins nearby. Never a
shortage of fun things to do. Though, we all had to work hard on
the farm. I spent a lot of time over at cousin Cathy’s and she
vice versa. We were two peas in a pod. We loved swimming in
Frank’s pond, in the river, and at Haley Dam. Jerry and Bimbo
taught me how to ski. We had a really fun trip to Pactola Dam,
SD. We loved hiking around the farms pretending to be cowboys and
Indians. We hated picking weeds in the garden. We tolerated the
chicken cleaning with the aunts. We loved skating on the ponds
and on the river. We had a great time snow mobiling around the
countryside. We had super fun family holidays with aunts, uncles
and cousins. Awesome picnics at the Haley Dam. I thought Auntie
Myrt had the best home in the country. Loved Aunt Mary’s clothes
in her RV. Cousin Chris was so cute…Cathy, Chris and I were the
kissing cousins, class of 1979! We had fun times at wedding
dances and Ludlow dances – wow, we could jitterbug! We now laugh
at Dennis and Mark’s antics- rotten eggs, fires, truck mishaps,
parties. Stan Jr had the grooviest purple van in the
country-purple shag and pretty ladies on the table! Dorothy was
the best CCD teacher! Loved all the animals and pets we had
throughout the years. The farm is the greatest! Ask Matt and
Matthew, David, Aaron, and Joan |
Matthew and Aaron |

Cynthia S. (Palczewski) Dobbs
Date of Birth: July 27, 1963 in
Hettinger, ND
Address: 1320 11th Ave. South,
Moorhead, MN 56560, e-mail cindobbs@cableone.net
Boyfriend (Cindy's) - Andrea has too many to submit: Don
LeClair. Born in Sisseton, SD.
Hometown is Browns Valley, MN. Address is 8515 Jewel lake Rd #19,
Anchorage, AK 99502
e-mail donfishen@aol.com
Andrea E. Dobbs born December 12, 1987 in
Fargo, ND
Two Cats: Frisky and Rizzo
Scranton High School K-12
National American
University, Rapid City, SD 1981-1985.
Administration – Bachelor Degree, Computer Associates
Inducted into the NAU
Athletic Hall of Fame in 2001
Places Lived & Careers:
Attended College in Rapid City,
SD 1981-1985
Moved to Fargo 1986 –1990
Bought house in Moorhead, MN
Have lived in Moorhead since
Weather Modification, Inc., Accounting
Manager, 1993 – Current
Wimmer’s Jewelry 1990-1992,
Haugen, Johnson & Mohagen
Accounting Firm 1988-1990
Lanier Law Office 1986-1988,
Cindy: Reading, cooking, baking, exercising,
gardening, golfing once in a while,
watching sports and attending
Andrea’s sports as she grows up.
Andrea: Basketball, soccer, track. Hanging out with friends. Going to the lakes.
Travel and Vacations:
Arizona 1999, 2001
Disney World 1993, 2003
Las Vegas 2002 (Andrea)
Alaska 2002, 2003 (Cindy)
Rapid City 1987-2002
Family Memories:
Cindy: Family gatherings where the cousins would
play games like tv tag, red rover, tug a war, etc.
4th of July at the Bowman Haley
Dam was always one of my favorites. Fried chicken, potato salad,
camping and swimming. Now I truly believe that home raised
chickens were worth it – can’t find
anything like it these days in
the stores. I will never forget how to clean a gizzard!!
Andrea: Going to Grandma’s. Having fun with my
cousins. Riding four wheeler.
Cindy and Andrea |
Andrea |
Cindy fishing in
Alaska |
Don, Halibut fishing in Alaska |

Kimberly Jo (Palczewski) Jore
Date of Birth: June 20, 1965 in
Hettinger, ND
Address: 711 Broadway #19, Fargo, ND
58102, 701-293-6419
Spouse: Bradley Thomas Jore born June
27, 1958 in Fargo, ND. Married June 13, 1992
Family Information: 2 year old cat
named Bogart Harrison Jore
Kim - North Dakota State University for 2
years, Art major.
Black Hills Beauty College, Rapid
City, SD
Brad - North Dakota State University and
Moorhead State University, Accounting and Engineering

Kim and Brad |

Lisa Ann (Palczewski) Christensen
Date of Birth:
June 20, 1968 in Hettinger, ND
3633 Margaret Court Rapid City, SD 57702
Todd Kenneth Christensen born February 8, 1965 in Hettinger, ND. Married: June 14, 1991
Ezekial (Zeek)
Christensen Golden Retriever 03-20-1994 & Special (Ed) Christensen
Black Cat 1987
Family Information:
Todd's parents Kenneth and Doreen reside in Rapid
City, SD, and also have a home in Sun City West, Arizona. Todd's
brother Randy and family lives in Dickinson, brother Tim and
family lives in Rapid City.
Todd and Lisa met in college at Black Hills State
University. They married on June 14, 1991 and moved to Lead, SD
where Lisa started a job as program director at the YMCA. Todd
worked at Black Hills Special Services as Special Education
Teacher. Todd and Lisa moved to Rapid City in 1995. Lisa took a
job as a chiropractic assistant. She is still employed in the
chiropractic field but now as an office manager for Dr. Burns.
Todd ended his employment of 17 years with Black Hills Special
Services in 2001 when he accepted a position as Special Services
Program Director of Rapid City Area School District.
Also part of the family are Zeek, golden retriever, who
is nine years old, and Sig, the cat.
Todd and Lisa enjoy walking Zeek on a daily basis,
actually two times daily. Weekends are usually spent relaxing,
going to movies, going to the mall, and catching up on laundry and
housecleaning during the winter months. Weekends in the summer are
spent camping in the Black Hills. Todd has a lot of extra time in
the summer and can be found at Arrowhead Country Club golfing.
Lisa enjoys exercising and always has a race to train for. Most
recently Deadwood Mickleson Trail Marathon.
Lisa graduated from Scranton High School in 1986
Graduated from
Black Hills State University 1991, Bachelors of Science Degree in
Wellness Management
Most recent vacation was Las Vegas in 2002. Upcoming plans to go
to Arizona for Christmas 2003.
Todd, Lisa, and Zeek 2002 |