(Jacob) Carl Peter Palczewski
Date of Birth: May 27, 1919 on
homestead in Goldfield Township near Haley, ND
Address: Box 813, Ludlow, SD 57755
Spouse: Esther Louise Welch born May
30, 1929. Married June 17, 1947.
Esther died September 14, 2003.
Patricia Louise Palczewski born August 25,
Joseph Peter Palczewski born December 31,
Paul Carl Palczewski born June 14, 1954
Christopher Michael Palczewski born January
14, 1961
US Navy from July 1942 to January 1946
Interests, Social & Civic Positions,
Hobbies, Sports, etc.:
Farming, ranching, and hunting
Raising sheep has always been in my blood.
Major Vacations:
Norway to see Pat and Oistein and family in
June and July of 1979
Palczewski Memories
In 1919, Jacob
Carl Palczewski was born at Goldfield Township Homestead near
Haley, North Dakota on May 27, 1919 to Joseph and Elizabeth by
Mrs. Weeks, a midwife. It was a rainy day. Birth name Jacob Carl,
third born. I can’t remember how much I weighed, somewhere around
6.5 pounds. Always was hungry had to fight for food as was very
small for my age. God parents were John and Katie Lawyer at Lady
of Prairie Church Vessey. Confirmation name was Peter so as was
only called Carl, I used Carl Peter or CP.
I graduated
from grade school in 1931. Went to Farmers Union Camp.
Quite a
coincidence that my God Parent’s place is the land which we
purchased in 1948 and are living on the south half.
Pa and his dad had
a dispute so went to live east of Haley the old Walter Papka place
first place east about a mile. Can remember Mary, Frank, and I
went to river to play. They both got a good spanking but they
didn’t do anything to me. It was because they were not supposed to
be playing in the water.
Pa got a deal
with a guy named Dick Meyer on place north east of Buffalo
Springs. We stayed there four years. Farmed and run cattle, about
100 head on shares. Also had his own milk cow and farmed with 11
mules. One black beautiful saddle horse. He wouldn’t let us kids
even ride him. Bought a buckskin for $20.00 for us kids to ride.
He was a mean old bastard and he’d bite us when we had to ride to
school. Mary and Frank rode.
I went to
Kindergarten at Buffalo Springs when I was 5. Herb Pitsley was the
teacher and Mrs. Herb taught high school. We couldn’t talk English
very good. I remember Frank making spit balls and throwing at the
ceiling. The teacher used a yard stick on his head.
Pa bought a new
Ford Model T. Don’t remember what he paid. Ed Okers dealer in
Scranton. This is the place Pa worked before he was married. It
was a livery stable to keep horses for farmers and people because
they couldn’t return and wanted to leave their horses overnight.
The livery stable ended up to be the Ford Garage.
Can remember
going to Moga’s Grocery store. I stayed while Pa did shopping. I
always had lots of candy to eat. Stayed overnight at Moga’s many
One time I
remember taking lunch out to Pa. He was farming with mules. I fell
asleep in the grass at the end of the field. When I woke up it was
dark. I was walking along the fence when they found me. I don’t
know if Pa was mad or happy. He scolded me and hugged me both. Ma
said you can’t be mad at him because he brought you lunch.
Pa had to build
a garage for the Model T. He built with new lumber. It had a roof
and two sides open on each end. So this one day Pa came back. It
was dark and he drove right through the west end. He kept
hollering whoa and drove right through the other end. I still see
Ma. She laughed and laughed and laughed. Pa smelled like beer.
Dick Meyers
sold the cattle and Pa was suppose to get a share and got nothing.
That was the good of a hand shake.
So back to the
homestead, sold the mules and bought horses to farm with. The
house was in very poor condition with mice and all. We had to do
lots of work. Built a lean to for their bedroom. Frank and I had
to sleep in the attic.
Ma loved to
cook and bake. She always had some goodies. We’d take cookies when
she wasn’t looking. Frank said, “She’s looking alright as she’s
got a smile on her face.” It was about this time Ma taught us how
to pray.
Went to school
at Hammoud No. 3 which was across the river southwest of the
place. There was lots of ice jams in the spring and very dangerous
to cross. This one girl Mildred Milks was always picking on me and
teasing me. One time I had a fight with her and beat her up. I had
to stand in the corner for three weeks during school. You never
realize how many times you have to go to the rest room or outhouse
when you are standing in the corner.
Pa had short
horned milk cows. I used to think I wanted to milk cows. On my 9th
birthday Pa said I could start milking. He gave me a milk stool
and the milk pan. He told me to sit down. This was a stripper. She
was just about dried up so I started. Then Pa and Frank started.
They milked 11 cows and I quit milking mine. Pa came to check. He
said I still hadn’t got all the milk out of her. I never forgot
that one.
Pa always had
12 milk cows. If he sold one, he always bought one back.
Pa had a big
straw pile from threshing machine. The cattle and pigs wintered in
it. 1930 on Memorial Day, Pa set a fire to it. The wind was very
strong from the southeast. The sparks blew into the dugout barn
and burned it up. So we had to build a fence to hold the cows to
milk them in that same day. I was dragging corn with bare feet for
weeds with a three section drag of 3 horses southeast of place. I
tipped the drag over when I turned too short. The thistles were
quite sharp. I unhooked the horses and went home with them. It was
quite a mess as there was no place to put them as the barn was
burning. I lost all my rabbits as they burned up. I was going to
make a fortune with them.
Pa decided to
build a new barn with a hay loft and a dance floor. In 1930 every
two or three weeks, Pa would have barn dances. He made good money
on that. I learned to dance and have been dancing ever since. This
was in Prohibition days. Frank and I found a bottle of booze
around every other vehicle that came to the dance. Behind the
tires sometimes or a box full in the weeds. Even in the hay stack
in the middle of winter that someone forgot. Pa kept a ten gallon
crock of homemade beer brew behind the cook stove quite regular.
This one year he set a batch for the 4th of July to cap. We helped
him cap the brew. Than about midnight they started to explode. It
sounded like a rifle shots. Ma sure was laughing about that.
Pa and I went
southeast of Rhame, North Dakota to put up hay on shares with
horses (Nelis Nelson place). Then many of the horses got brain
fever. I can’t remember the name of the disease. Seven head died.
This was when Pa decided to buy a tractor. Frank had went to Idaho
Falls out west.
In 1930, Pa
bought a new Ford truck from Bert Patterson of Bowman. Hauled many
bushels of wheat for neighbors. The truck hauled 100 bushels. Pa
was gone every day. Us kids had to do the work. Pa made lots of
money hauling.
In 1934 Pa sent
me up to Wood Jetts to herd 1,500 head of sheep in Bad Lands
thirty miles north of Marmarth. I lived in a sheep wagon with
shaggy dog, shaggy horse, and I the shaggy kid for the winter. Ma
showed me how to bake bread and I figured I was a pretty good
cook. There was lots of rabbits to eat. The boss would come about
every three weeks bringing sugar, baking powder, macroni, canned
milk, sardines, yeast, soda, salt and pepper. I boiled my own
water and dug out springs where I could.
In 1935 I
helped Helen Jett, Wood’s wife (she was pregnant) lamb out these
sheep. Moved the sheep to the Kelly place south of Marmarth in the
spring of 1935.
In the fall of
1935 I went with car loads of cattle to Sioux City, Iowa. Each car
had to have a man along, 2 cars/2 men, 3 cars/3 men to represent
the rancher shipping the cattle (that was law). Ended up being
quite an experience, even learned the facts of life. Had free
meals and board and room. That was all I got. Represented Abe
Abrahamson shipping livestock, Otto Teske, Charlie Banom, Art
Jacobson, Art Spethman, and others. Took about three days to trip.
Then had to go home as Pa needed help with hay and farming.
Thought it was
best thing that happened when Pa had to sell the milk cows. Kept
4. Had to ship hay in for those. Kept 5 horses at home. The others
went to the Reservation. Pa worked on WPA dam called it the
Buckman Dam south of Gascoyne in 1936. Worked 2 horses at a time.
Stayed at Glen Eldride’s. This is where hog farm is now.
Spring 1936 I
helped Dan and Julia Fredricks lamb 800 head of sheep. $1.00 a
day. July and August herded sheep for Bob and Mary Parks. Slept
under the stars. No sheep wagon. Rattle snakes under your bed
roll, etc.
Fall 1936 had
to trail 186 head of horses to the Berthold Indian Reservation.
Elbo Woods Garrison with Pa as the cook. Art Nickels, Miland
Just north of
the house was a big hand dug well with a wind mill to pump it.
Many times we had to take a ladder down in the well to get the
mice, etc. that would stop it from pumping. When I was about 16, I
decided to dig one closer to the house. I dug one right close to
the corner of the house. Not to the likes of Pa. Pa was angry but
thought it was closer for Ma so kept it on. It turned out good and
handy for Ma.
I remember Ma
getting her poles together and walking to the river to go fishing
many times alone or with us kids. She just loved to fish. Cleaned
them and have them all pan ready. She fried them with homemade
butter and a half a pan of fried onions to go with them.
From November
1935 through January 1936 I herded 3,000 sheep for Charlie Jett as
his sheep herder got sick with pneumonia. This was the highest
paying, $15.00 a month. It was very cold. There was 6 weeks it
stayed below zero, about 20 to 30 degrees below day and night. Had
a shaggy dog, shaggy horse, and had to wrap gunny sacks around his
feet to try and keep them warm. I got up at 4:00 in the morning
till 10:00 at night. Slept upstairs. If you want to know what cold
is just ask me. Main meal was salt pork and navy beans. Charlie
insisted I use bacon grease on my pancakes when we had them. The
snow was very deep. Best news when Pa needed me back home to help
him. I was real happy then.
You can see by
my old record books almost everything I did the rest of the years
until I went to the Navy. After returning from the Navy, the rest
is another story. Had to go down another road.
Carl Palczewski
June 1997

Family History
by Esther Palczewski (1997)
It all started out on June 17, 1947 when Carl and Esther
joined as Mr. and Mrs. with friends Walt and Sophie Sarsland as Best Man and
Maid of Honor at Saint Agnes Church, Cox. It was misty rain and partly sunny
at times. Father Keller performed the ceremony. Flowers from Belle did not
show up on mail. So Liz Rheinhart, cousin of Father Keller and house keeper
and with help of Anna Durning and others gathered up the yellow roses from
Anna's yard in Ludlow. They put together a beautiful bouquet. So yellow rose
is our favorite flower.
We all ended up at Carl's bachelor house. Mother and others helped
with many sandwiches , food, and drinks to have a nice reception. Even with
the rain falling, lots showed up to make it a happy event. After the fences
were finished fixing and cattle to pasture, we got off to our Honeymoon
trail in a 1948 Jeep with canvas top and sides. We stopped the first night
at Marmarth, Saint Charles Hotel. Then we were off toward Miles City. Only
ten miles from Miles City, the Jeep ran out of gas. This being the first
time away from home, I had fear of sitting alone and waiting for Carl to
walk for gas. Not knowing if he would return or not, I sat and waited, but
to my joy, someone brought him back with gas. Yellowstone Park, Here We
Come! Beautiful scenery but ahead we heard that heavy snow had fallen making
the entrance road very heavy but the Jeep had no trouble going around cars
stuck in heavy snow on the road. We enjoyed the Old Faithful Geyser and all
the bears, moose, elk, mountains, etc. I would like to go back now again to
see Yellowstone Park.
We came back just in time for a 4th of July Palczewski get-together
at the farm. Then back to the being of husband and wife and learning to
cook, bake, know one's likes and dislikes. Mostly it was learning to observe
as he had years on me and already had spent four years in the Navy. I was 18
years old. Living away from Mother and Dad was hard getting used to. Trying
to put a couple potatoes in kettle to cook and making four or six slices of
bacon and you name it. Cutting down to cook for just us two after cooking
for a big family as mine was 10 kids and Mother and Dad.
Water was at the barn pumped out of a well. Every bit you wanted
had to come pail by pail or cream can by cream can. For washing clothes,
had to heat water in a boiler on the stove and put the water into the
washing machine. Then put gas in and start an engine similar to the one on
the lawn. Many a day you work and work to get the engine started. Hand
washing of towels and undies was less work. You were played out by the time
you got to wash clothes, then rinse and run them through a ringer on top of
the washer, and out to line and hang them out. I had always loved to iron
clothes for someone else but after all this trouble you had to go through,
wasn't as good as sprinkling and ironing and was almost another days work!
We had a real bad fall and winter 1947 - 48. Carl was kept
busy keeping watch of our cows. Riding horseback was Carl's afternoon job.
Sometimes the day seemed long as he would go and I would watch for the horse
and man to come back. Only radio to listen to and garden for hobby seemed
lonely as was used to lots of kids around.
In August 1948, Pat was to come into the world but closest hospital
was Miles City, Montana. After Faye Walt and Sophie's girl was born and they
had to get a plane and fly the baby up there, we chose to go up there - a
trip itself just to go up to doctor so didn't go only a couple of times.
First part of August, we went to the doctor. He said you could have the baby
anytime. I stayed at a house they kept ladies in waiting. Pat didn't come
till morning of the 25th. Then a ten day stay in the hospital. Nursing was
the only way to feed the baby, Patricia Louise. She became the joy of our
The the fall of '48 and winter of '49 was a bad one. Snowed in most
of the time. We had a tractor to feed cake till Carl got that stuck and had
to put cake in a sack on horseback. Taking it to feed cows was a chore.
Patricia Louse was lots of fun but she grew up fast. At five months
she was sitting in a chair. She walked at seven and a half months and hasn't
sat still since. She was always a few months or years ahead of all the
others her age.
I took it pretty easy when I found out I was finally pregnant
again. Result was Joseph Peter, born December 31, 1952 - New Years Eve.
First son. It was a thrill as now a girl and a boy to our family. Joe as
always short tempered. Only could nurse him three months as he would get mad
if he was interrupted in nursing. Spring was a busy time cooking and keeping
me busy so - can milk syrup and water was content with. A bottle in his
mouth and he was really satisfied, all self centered. Sister loved to be the
helper and give him the bottle. She also was a good helper setting table but
mostly Daddy's girl. She followed the pickup almost a half a mile trying to
get her Dad to take her with him. We were frantic trying to figure out where
she had went and to get her back. He didn't even know she was behind the
Paul came along June 14, 1954. Joe was sick with measles. Had to
get Mother up to care for Joe and had to hurry to hospital. Paul was in a
big hurry to come into the world. The doctor hardly had time to get his
gloves on. As Paul only weighed 6 lb. 4 oz., I had no trouble as he was in
such a hurry. He was a real good baby, never seemed to cry, just happy all
the time.
Had to herd sheep. We had no fences on this place so spent all
morning and afternoon herding the sheep. One day, we were sitting on a hill
south of the place. Joe was leaning on the door handle of the car, the door
opened and he fell out. I just went out after him as the car rolled down the
hill. There I saved him from rolling under the car but Pat being in the back
seat. She had to crawl over the seat and put her feet on the brake which she
did and got the car stopped. I was expecting Paul. There was a pretty bad
scare as I could of lost all. But everything turned out lucky. Pat was happy
with herself as when I finally got the the car. She said, "I stopped the car
Mommy." I told her she was a big girl which she was.
In four years we paid John Travers. We sold our cattle to pay John
Travers for the land which was purchased for five years. But he kept
hounding us to get the payments. Then we were to run sheep for him for the
other half of the place, giving him 100% of the lamb and wool and we were to
get the land. John wasn't a very true with his dealings. He said he couldn't
let the land go to us as he was making too much money.
We went to sheep so built a shed and more corrals. So busy, didn't
have time for anything. It was our dream to get the place together. Farming,
haying, lambing, milking. Days were filled and was always so tired when
evening came. Figured we should have built a bigger house while the family
was young as was real crowded. Fall of 1957 and 1958, we built our house. It
was quite a project but seemed really big. Picture window was in style. Also
bathroom was a welcome addition to our living. Money being short, we decided
to buy furniture later so went with what we had. Cupboards from the little
house. Only bedroom set we purchased and a couch and chair set making do
with what we could.
Then we were forced to purchase the leased land on all sides of the
land bordering the farmstead as the homesteaders that owned it wanted to.
Lots more to this than expected.
Summer and Fall of 1960, I found out I was pregnant with a new
baby. January 14, 1961, Christopher Michael came into the world. Had to go
to Belle as doctors were changing around in Bowman. Had to find a good one.
Being many miles and was so heavy. I carried him so low. I could hardly get
around. When he came into the world 8 lb. 2 ox. Hurried up too. Dad was
having plumbing trouble at the house and had to find someone to help, etc.
Didn't get to hospital till after he was born. Chris had a big happy smile
on his face for Dad. Looked the picture of him too. Chris was a real good
baby. Also didn't stay as baby long as he was walking etc. before we knew
it. He was always by his Dad when he was around.

Louise (Palczewski) Nyberg
Date of Birth: August 25, 1948 in
Miles City, Montana
Address: 210 Bear Canyon Road, Los Gatos, CA 95033-9451,
e-mail ppetmon@aol.com
Summer residence: Nedre Varden 14, N-4050 Sola, Norway
Spouse: Oistein Nyberg born November
26, 1942 in Hetland, Norway
Married January 25, 1969
Mikael Oistein Nyberg born October 27, 1971
in Aberdeen, Scotland
Tania Marie Nyberg born July 12, 1975 in
Stavanger, Norway
Mark Erik Nyberg born March 24, 1979 in
Stavanger, Norway
Family information:
Mikael (Miko) is engaged to Kristen Sager &
wedding to be Oct '03 in Barcelona, Spain. He works with KMV Moody
in San Francisco.
Tania completing MFA degree in photography from Academy of Arts,
San Francisco, May '03.
Mark Erik living in Norway, working as IT management consultant.
Pat plans to enroll at UC Santa Cruz
fall '03 to finish degree.
Travel & Vacations since 1997:
'98- Easter in Ibiza, reunion in Lisbon, Portugal,
business/pleasure trip to Dubai, UAE, skied French Alps,
wilderness camping in Yosemite & celebrated Pat's 50th in Maui.
'99- skied Mammoth, stayed in LA, enjoyed a family Christmas at a
rented beach villa in Cabos San Lucas,
Baja, Mexico
complete with maid & inflatable Christmas tree!
'00-purchased cabin & land in Santa Cruz Mts, packed container for
shipment to CA & drove 7 ton lorry back to Norway by first
driving 7hrs north to Newcastle & 19hr ferry over North
Sea.(Oistein did return trip alone & flew back to Norway).
'01- skied Whistler, couple trips to Norway, trip to Dakotas,
driving trip from CA to Houston/ return visiting friends & Death
Valley, New Year's in New Orleans & Houston.
'02-skied Tahoe& Norway, Oistein working out of Switzerland/
Russia commutes between US, Norway, Russia, & Switzerland w/
'sneak' trip to Kazakhstan, trip to London for Pat, as well as
couple trips to Norway & various exploratory trips around northern
& central California.
Trip to Dakotas & drive back to CA.
'03-trips to Norway,
UK, Spain booked .We'll see if Australia still waits!!!
Family Memories:
Since Sept 2002 & the sudden death of my mother, Esther, there
have been many fond walks down memory lane as a part of the
mourning & healing process. It has been a journey long overdue and
would have been even more fun if it could have been taken with her
here as well. It is sometimes difficult, but mostly joyous going
through the old photos, papers & books over the last five-plus
decades. My Mother was truly amazing to collect so many pieces of
history. I believe we all have been over-whelmed by the volume of
Thinking back over some special memories are the trips through the
years taken with our children to visit the Dakotas. It took a lot of sacrifice, saving &
determination to fly the whole family the dozen or so times we
have visited. Where there is will, there is always a way. We have
recently recovered many photos taken during those years & I am
positive that these memories will remain with them forever. They
each have a variety of interpretations of everything (for example:
rodeos, branding calves, slaughtering prairie dogs, docking lambs,
rattle snakes, copious meals of food, roaming the Black & Cave
Hills, fishing the creeks & dams of the tri-state area, and not to
be forgotten, the many mosquitoes, deer flies, horse flies, and 'nats').
At least the vacations were never boring!
Some other Palczewski family memories include having the cousins
visit although it wasn't often they left North Dakota
to journey 'south' to God's country.
~I recall refusing to wear shoes in the summer & having the soles
of my feet thick & hard. The misery of having to put back on shoes
in August for school will remain with me forever!
~I recall the Palczewski family gatherings & playing with the
cousins. I remember all the aunties trying to out-cook each other
with their favorite recipes (especially memorable is Aunt
Marlene's famous baked beans). I remember one family picnic in the
trees by Grandma Lizzie's & Grandpa Joe's when Aunty Martha &
Uncle Jr. were visiting.
Jr. organized a softball game & taught all of us how to pitch
correctly. I still remember some of his pointers. I also remember
playing hide & seek for hours. Boy, were those boys dumb!
~Memories return of swimming in Grandpa's dam & another dam where
there were so many dogfish in it. Still get a creepy feeling
thinking of those slimy little devils slithering between our legs!
~Remember Grandpa Joe giving me a Bulova watch. It was the most
expensive present I had ever received & I was embarrassed, I
wonder if I ever thanked him properly. Also recall Grandpa giving
me the old piano he got from some dancehall. I took lessons for
6-7 years from Hazel at the Ludlow store & Grandpa wanted me to
continue. He often talked of a Polish pianist that he wanted me to
play as good as. Unfortunately my heart just wasn't totally in
music and the sadistic music teacher (Sister Victoria) who hit my
fingers repeatedly during organ practice while I was at St Mary's
in New England has taken the blame all these years for the end of
my music career.
~I remember the house that my parents, Carl & Esther built. The
time some old smelly (sometimes drunk) hired man leaned against
the gas stove while talking & then lit a cigarette in the kitchen
& everything went BOOOM! Luckily no one was seriously injured, but
my mom & the kitchen were shattered.
~ I do remember the smell of hay & being really, really cold while
sitting in a sled pulled by a horse to haul water to the house. It
must have been during the early 50's.
~ The fun of ice skating on the dams in the winter & pushing a
wooden chair around to go seriously fast without falling when you
hit the rough ice that had frozen in wind ripples.
~ Getting my tongue stuck on a fence in winter at school in Ludlow & not
telling anyone.
Come on, who hasn't done it once??? Only once, though, right?
~ I recall going down into the root cellar and peeking out at the
big old twister that past only a mile or so from the house. The
smell of wet mold always makes me think of the raw fear we felt at
that time.
~ Riding my bike to bring in sheep & getting caught in a bad hail
storm while about 2 miles from the place. Ouch!
~ I also recall staying many, many times with my Grandma Welch &
how jealous I was when my folks would always take Joe with them on
trips & leave me behind.
~ Growing up with the constant reminder that a boy child is
infinitely more valuable than a girl child. Thankfully that is a
problem that is slowly being addressed in the world!!

Joseph Peter Palczewski
Date of Birth: December 31, 1952
Address: P.O. Box 5, Dinero, TX 78350
Spouse: Single
Children: None
Graduated from high school in 1971
Places Lived:
Summer in Ludlow, SD and Ft. Scott, KS
Winter in Tynan and Dinero, TX

Paul Carl Palczewski
Date of Birth: June 14, 1954
Address: RR1, Box 63, Reeder, ND 58649
Spouse: Barbra (Bobbi) Jean Reeves
born September 7, 1960
Married July 26, 1982
Jessie Lou Palczewski born January 27, 1981
in Eagle Butte, SD
Carla Deon Palczewski born July 30, 1983 in
Eagle Butte, SD
Paul Thomas Palczewski born August 15, 1988
in Eagle Butte, SD
Auto Mechanics at Wyoming Tech.
Associate in Agri Business in Glendive, MT
Six years in the North Dakota National Guard

Michael Palczewski
Date of Birth: January 14, 1961in
Belle Fourche, SD
Address: 108 5th Ave. SW, Bowman, ND 58623, e-mail cpweld@ndsupernet.com
Spouse: Brenda J. Miller born March 7, 1962 in Dickinson,
Married October 26, 1984. Brenda e-mail: brendap@ndsupernet.com
Megan Christina Palczewski born August 12, 1987 in Rapid City, SD
Mandi Jean Palczewski born May 1, 1990 in Dickinson, ND
Michael Christopher Palczewski born May 24, 1994 in Dickinson, ND
Cloudy (cat) born April 1994, Amidon, ND (weighs about 20# now)
Family Information:
We've been married for 18 years. Our kids are growing up fast. Our
oldest, Megan, will be "Sweet 16" in August. She is very active in
school and sports. She just finished up track the end of May where
she was qualified in six events for the state meet. Guess we can
say she is the speedster in the family. She will be a sophomore
this fall. Our second daughter Mandi is now a teenager too. She
turned 13 in May. Mandi is also very active with school and
sports. She is our distance runner competing in XC. She will be an
8th grader this fall. Both girls love the game of basketball too!
Our baby isn't a baby anymore. Michael turned 9 the end of May. He
keeps everyone hopping and is always on the go! He's already got
to be involved in Mighty Mites (XC for the younger kids). So he
looks to be a runner too. Michael will be a 3rd grader this fall.
Chris attended Ludow Elementarythrough grade 6. He then came to
Bowman where he attended Bowman School grades 7 through 12.
Graduating from Bowman High in 1979. He went right into the
"working world" purchasing his own welding truck. He's done that
line of work ever since. Chris started his own business in 1987 in
Bowman, ND, CP Welding.
Places Lived and Careers:
Chris and Brenda lived in Rapid City, SD for about 4 years. Chris
worked for Hills Materials and Brenda was with Cummings and Roll
Insurance. In the fall of 1987, we made the decision of moving
back home. We started CP Welding that fall. Our business has grown
a lot in 16 years. Chris also does machining and has employees.
Interests, Social, & Civic Positions,
Hobbies, Sports, etc.:
Chris has been a member of the Bowman Fire Department for 9 years.
It is strictly a "Volunteer" Dept., but has a very dedicated group
of men who take their job very seriously. Chris is now the
Assistant Rural fire Chief. He also has taken many classes where
he is now a US Forest Service Fire Fighter: Crew boss-Engine boss.
Chris is also a member of the ND EMS where he is trained in auto
extrication and is a certified extrication instructor. He is also
a First Responder, Medical CPR, AED certified. Chris and Brenda
are both members of the Sweetwater Golf Course. Love the game and
both find time to golf. Brenda is a Bowman Sports Booster Board
Member. So she stays busy with that through the school year. The
whole family loves camping, boating, swimming, movie watchers,
etc. Always something to do!
Travel & Vacations:
No big major plans at the moment. We have a boat and camper, so we
do as much camping as we can. Our favorite spot is Shadehill, so
lots of good family time is spent there.