Donald Gary Monson
Date of Birth: March 18, 1940. Born at home in
Bowman, ND
Address: 525 Hooterville Avenue, Le Center, MN
Spouse: Judith Marie Forster born February 19,
1942 at Springfield MN.
Married: July 29, 1961
Christopher Jon Vincent Monson born February 18, 1962 at England Air
Force Base Hospital, Alexandria, VA
Lucy Terase Monson born January 6, 1963 in Mankato, MN
Patrick Sean Monson born June 12, 1964 in Mankato, MN
Megan Maureen Monson born June 25, 1965 in Mankato, MN
Donald Gary Monson, Jr. (Jay) born October 15, 1971 in St. Peter, MN
Family Information:
Father: Theodore Monson, son of Thorvald Monson and Albertine Elstad
Born September 3, 1904 at Rotabaken, MN. Died November 6, 1940. Buried
in Bowman, ND.
Mother: Mary Magdelene Palczewski, daughter of Joseph
and Elizabeth Weise Palczewski.
Born January 26, 1918 at home in Bowman, ND. Died February 8, 1997. Buried
in Bowman, ND.
Mankato State University and Winona State University
Places Lived and Careers:
Lived in North Dakota until 6 years of age. Faribault, MN through high
Mankato and Winona, MN in college.
Missouri and Louisiana in the Army.
Back to Mankato, MN in sales.
MN State Highway Patrol police officer in Mankato and Le Center.
We still live in Le Center since I retired.
Interests, Social & Civic Positions, Hobbies,
Sports, etc.:
Delegate to the Troopers Association (elected position) for 20
years, last 5 years as a legislative delegate for the Association. This was
aside from patrol duties where I was the station Sgt. in charge of the Color
Guard which originated out of Mankato about 20 some years ago.
Knights of Columbus, American Legion, Retired Troopers Association,
MN Wings Motorcycle Club.
Hobbies: Fish, golf, garden, motorcycling: Arizona in Winter, the
Dakotas, Wyoming, Montana, Colorado in Summer.
Started a Bobcat/Skidloader Business 3 years ago.
Joined local Izaac Walton Organization.
Major Vacations:
25th Anniversary to Cayman Islands
Two trips to Alaska with a pal
Yearly motorcycle trips out west

Back row: Lucy, Pat, Chris.
Front row: Megan, Don, Judith, Jay
(1998 at Jay's wedding)

Don and Judith in their new entry, 2002.
Judith's sculpture in background.

Don and Judi with their nine grandchildren
(Front l to r): Daniel Barta, Luke Conlon, Beth Conlon.
(Back l to r): Emily Barta, Ben Conlon, Sam Conlon, Tess Monson,
Tony Monson, and Jessica Monson

Christopher Jon-Vincent Monson
Date of Birth:
February 18, 1962 in Alexandria, LA
Address: P.O. Box
1886, Mississippi State, MS 39762
Spouse: None yet!
Children: None
Le Center High School 1976-80, Graduated with Honor
St. John’s University, Collegeville, MN 1980-82
University of Minnesota School of Architecture, Bachelor of Architecture
Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Master of Architecture with
Distinction 1993

Lucy Terase Monson-Barta
Date of Birth: January 6, 1963 at St. Joseph the
Worker Hospital in Mankato, MN
Address: Rt. 4, Box 3496, New Prague, MN 56071,
Spouse: David Gerard Barta born February 22,
1958 at Queen of Peace Hospital, New Prague, MN.
Married August 6, 1983
Emily Terase Barta born September 10, 1988 at Queen of Peace Hospital,
New Prague, MN
Daniel David Barta born October 18, 1993 at Queen of Peace Hospital, New
Prague, MN
Riverland Technical College, Medical Laboratory Technician Degree 1983
Dental Hygiene Degree 1999
Places Lived & Careers:
Lived in New Prague for almost 20 years.
Worked as a Lab Tech for 15 years.
Graduated from Dental Hygiene School in 1999
Work at Lonsdale Family Dental in Lonsdale, MN since graduation.
(Lonsdale is 10 minutes from New Prague)
Dave is a self employed contractor.
Interests, Social, & Civic Positions,
Hobbies, Sports, etc.:
Lucy enjoys gardening, softball, walking (in warm weather!), and
anything that involves the children.
Dave hunts and fishes (but never enough!) and whatever else he can
muster up outside. Dave is chairman of the maintenance committee
at our Catholic Church.
Travel & Vacations:
We are "learning" to travel more. We finally made it out of the
country this year. Dave and I (with Mom's help) were able to
"honeymoon" in Mexico. We've been to FL, LA, & CA with the kids
and of course one of their favorite trips.....to SD.
Family Memories:
All the talk of "chicken" at the last Reunion.
Our visits to Grandma Mary's and all her good food.
No one will ever laugh the way Auntie Myrt, Aunt Izzy, and Grandma
Mary did when those three got together!
We "Monsons" thought it was so neat to jump back and forth to
North and South Dakota on one of the Great Uncle's farms.
I was always so impressed with the way Jerry and Bimbo could
I remember scheming with Cathy and Joan to sneak beer at Uncle
Stanley and Aunt Marlene's.

Dave, Emily, Daniel and Lucy
at Emily's St. Wencesiaus 8th grade graduation

Daniel, Sugar, and Emily Barta, 2002

Patrick Sean Monson
Date of Birth: June 12, 1964 at St. Joseph’s
Hospital in Mankato, Minnesota
Address: 3342 NW 70th Ave., Margate, FL 33063
Spouse: Lynn Renae Weatherson. Born April 9,
1965 in Great Falls, Montana.
Married May 3, 1986 in Overland Park, Kansas. Divorced.
Anthony Patrick Monson born December 9, 1987 in Overland Park, Kansas
Tess Renae Monson born April 11, 1989 in Overland Park, Kansas
Jessica Lynn Monson born September 24, 1992 in Shawnee Mission, Kansas

Megan Maureen Monson-Conlon
Date of Birth:
June 25, 1965 in Mankato, MN
Rt 3 Box 108, St. Peter, MN 56082
Christopher Michael Conlon born December 1, 1962 in Mankato, MN.
Married December 16, 1988
Samuel Christopher Conlon born November 24, 1990 in New Prague, MN
Benjamin Michael Conlon born April 28, 1992 in New Prague, MN
Lucas John Conlon born December 4, 1993 in New Prague, MN
Elizabeth Maureen Conlon born July 5, 1995 in New Prague, MN
Graduated from LeCenter High School
Graduated from Mankato Stat University with a BA in Teaching

Chris, Megan, Sam, Ben, Luke, and Beth
Conlon, 2001

Donald Gary Monson Jr. (Jay)
Date of Birth: October 15, 1971 in St. Peter, MN
Address: 1928 MacFarlane Road, Duluth, MN 55811,
Spouse: Sara Alison Reul-Monson born November 7, 1971 in
Duluth, MN
Married June 20, 1998 in Mankato, MN.
Children: None
Graduated from LeCenter High School 1990
Graduated Mankato State University with BS in Teaching 1994
Jay's Education:
Elementary and High School in LeCenter, Minnesota (1990). BS in
Elementary Education at Minnesota State University, Mankato
(1994). Graduate School work at University of Minnesota, Duluth
Sara's Education:
Elementary School in Duluth, Minnesota. High School at Fargo
South, Fargo, North Dakota (1990). BS in Elementary Education at
Minnesota State University, Mankato (1995). Master's of Education
(M.Ed.), University of Minnesota, Duluth (2002)
Places Lived:
Mankato & Duluth
Elementary School Teachers (since 1994)
Interests, Hobbies, Sports, etc.
Canoeing the BWCA (Boundary Waters Canoe Area), Backpacking,
Running, Volleyball, Golf, Training our Chocolate Lab "Jack"
Travel and Vacations:
Europe in 1990 and 1991, BWCA trips for the past 6 years,
backpacking in Crazy Mountains (MT), Bighorns (WY), Wind River
Range (WY) and Rockies in (Southwest CO). Backpacked most of the
Superior Hiking Trail along the North Shore of Lake Superior from
Duluth, MN to Canada. Family related trips to Arizona, Colorado,
Florida, Northern East Coast, and California.
Family Memories:
Staying with Grandma Mary in Faribault for a week in the summer,
eating her strawberry jam on toast for breakfast. Hiking in the
watershed ravines behind Grandma's house. Playing croquet and
Jarts in her yard. Playing darts downstairs always wondering if
there was a monster in the pantry. Going to the Faribault Woolen
Mill, taking tours, and getting pennies to buy gum balls out of
machine. Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Day playing,
celebrating, and eating way too much. Visiting the brass candy
bowl on the coffee table.
Riding three wheeler/four wheeler around the dusty trails of
ND(1982, 1987). Rainstorm during reunion and playing in all the
deep puddles of "who knows what" at Stanley and Marlene's (1982).
Water skiing near the dam. Fireworks gone wild at the dam(1992).
Staying at Sylvan Lake and hiking up Harney Peak. Sitting by Carl
next to the fire as he told tales of the "old" days on the prairie
(1997). Going out to Richard's farm. Driving to the middle of
nowhere to eat dinner with Carl and Esther (1987). Hiking up White
Butte with Dianne and cousin crew (1992). Marlene's house riding
horses and hanging out (1987). Bowman for breakfast (1987/1992).